
The District's Dime

DC Students Deserve Empathy and Greater Mental Health Support, Not Policing and Punishment

The Metropolitan Police Department’s largest contract funds a police presence in District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS). This money could be better spent on student mental health.

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An Investment in Affordable Housing is an Investment in Long-Term Community Stability

Affordable housing is one area that, if supported with robust, recurring funding, can provide long-term safety and stability for low-income and Black and brown communities facing skyrocketing housing prices in the District.

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The Council Should Remove Barriers to Health Care Access for DC Immigrants

DC imposes barriers on residents trying to access health insurance through the DC Healthcare Alliance. These barriers contribute to both poor health outcomes and unnecessarily high program costs.

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How Divesting from the Police Can Strengthen the District

Every year, police shoot and kill nearly 1,000 people in the US—a disproportionate share of them are Black. It is past time to analyze how public dollars contribute to this racist violence, starting with our city’s budget.

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Mayor’s Proposed Budget Falls Short of Stabilizing Child Care Sector

Her FY 2021 proposal largely holds funding for early childhood programs flat from last fiscal year but cuts funding for critical home visiting programs.

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DC Council Should Put Revenue on the Table to Build a Just Recovery

Please join us to urge the DC Council to put the District on the path to a just recovery that helps families rebuild, builds a more inclusive economy, and make us all stronger on the other side this pandemic.

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A Deeper Dive Into the Mayor’s Budget Proposals

This post provides an overview of how the Mayor’s budget proposal affects low- and moderate-income DC residents.

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What’s in the Mayor’s Proposed Budgets for the Department of Human Services?

While DHS only faced minor cuts compared to other agencies, the budget lacks sufficient resources for the housing and services that homeless residents need to thrive.

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5 Takeaways from the Mayor’s Proposed Budgets for FY 2020 (Revised) and FY 2021 (and Why You Should Pay Attention)

The proposal addressed pandemic-induced budget shortfalls by employing a mix of strategies that helped her protect, and in some cases expand, vital programs. Some community needs are met while others remain un- or underfunded.

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DC Leaders Should Center Six Principles When Crafting Budget Plans

To make it through this crisis and build a just economic recovery, it is important for DC’s response to preserve crucial investments in homeless services and housing, health care, social services, and education.

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