
The District's Dime

Applying a Racial Equity Analysis – Black Employment in the District of Columbia


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Coming Home to Homelessness: Too Many Returning Citizens Lack a Home

Returning to DC from incarceration often means coming home to homelessness.

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New Report: Money Matters: Adequate and Targeted Education Funding Can Boost Student Outcomes, Reduce Opportunity Gaps

In recent years, new evidence on the relationship between public education investments and student achievement makes it clear that money does matter in education, a new DCFPI report explains.

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DC Needs a Budget that Adequately Supports Economic Opportunity, Helps All Residents Thrive

The FY 2021 budget starts October 2020, but the debate is already underway. DCFPI has a series of recommendations on using the budget to raise and allocate DC’s resources to address our city’s challenges and create a promising future for all DC residents. 

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Let’s Put DC’s Surplus to Work Helping DC Residents


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Ensuring Lawmakers Fully Fund All DC Schools This Budget Season: 4 Facts You Need to Know


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DCFPI Welcomes Musaab Ibrahim to Our Team!


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Five Ways to Use DCFPI’s Updated School Finance Primer

With dozens of acronyms and hard-to-read budget documents, it can be difficult for parents, advocates, and policymakers to understand how and why school budget decisions are made

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Here’s What You Need to Know About DC’s FY 2021 Budget Season

There are a number of opportunities throughout budget season to voice our values and shape the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 DC budget. You can—and should—have a say in where our community invests our resources.

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New Report: Black Workers Matter


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