
The District's Dime

Spotlight On: The FY 2010 Child Care Budget


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Want to Learn More About the Mayor’s Budget?


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50 Organizations and Individuals Sign-On to an Open Letter to Mayor Fenty, Council Chairman Gray, and CFO Ghandi Calling for Budget Transparency


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DCFPI joins the Coalition for Community Investment; Coalition issues “Statement of Principles” to guide DC Budget decisions in difficult times


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Budget Cuts Adopted by the DC Council Fall Disproportionately On Programs for Low-Income Residents


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Bridging the Gaps in DC: Strategies to Support Low-Income Working Families


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Managing the District’s Debt: How a Debt Cap Can Serve as an Important Fiscal Oversight Tool While Also Allowing the District to Achieve its Development Goals


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How Should the District Address Its Revenue Shortfall? Some Guiding Principles


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Poverty In DC Remains As High As At The End Of The Last Recession, New Census Bureau Data Show


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Making the Southwest Waterfront Bond Financing Act the Best Deal for the District of Columbia: Four Changes Could Potentially Save DC Millions


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