
Think of DCFPI on #Giving Tuesday!

It’s the time of year to give thanks, and the District’s Dime thanks you for your devoted readership of the DCFPI blog! Our aim is to provide useful research and analysis of DC budget and policy issues, particularly ones that impact DC residents striving to make it into the middle class. Many of you have used that information to communicate with our elected officials in ways that that helped increase funding for affordable housing, education, and healthcare.

If you rely on DCFPI to make the case for issues you care about, we need your support today for our #GivingTuesday campaign!

With your help, we had a number of important wins this year:

  • DCFPI, in partnership with allies, ensured that families facing serious crises like domestic violence wouldn’t lose essential public assistance because of time limits.
  • DCFPI helped to enhance an outdated property tax credit known as Schedule H, which gives help low and moderate income residents struggling with rising housing costs.
  • DCFPI helped to lead a coalition that that made sure that DC’s new health care exchange would be affordable, accessible, and efficient. That meant a successful launch of DC’s Health Exchange this fall, apparently not a small feat!

And with your contribution, we can make an even bigger impact next year!

In 2014, we will fight for housing programs that help our neighbors continue to call DC home. We’ll fight for targeted education funding to support our most at-risk students. And we’ll continue to provide information you need to persuade our elected officials to invest in the things that are most important to DC residents. 

So please consider donating to the DC Fiscal Policy Institute today. And to help your gift go a bit further, our Advisory Board has agreed to match all of our contributions up to $4,000!

With your donation, we can make the District of Columbia a great city to live, work, and raise a family for all of our neighbors.

To print a copy of today’s blog, click here.