Help DC Improve Services for Low-Income Families

Calling all organizations that serve low-income families with children ‘ DC’s Department of Human Services (DHS) needs you!  This is a tremendous opportunity to let DHS know what you see as the greatest challenges faced by families on TANF ‘ and to identify the kinds of services DHS should provide to help these families.

DHS is engaged in a redesign of its Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Employment Program, focused on improving its contracts for job readiness services that expire at the end of October 2010 and will need to be re-designed and re-issued.  The District’s TANF Program provides job readiness training, supportive services, and cash assistance to more than 16,000 DC households with children.

To help identify changes that should be made to the TANF program, the agency has created a survey to collect information from organizations that serve TANF recipients.  The survey will be available online and in hardcopy form until June 30.  The agency is specifically looking for information from organizations that provide outreach and client engagement, life skills and goal setting, job search and placement, education and training in preparation for employment, work experience, subsidized employment, and program and job retention supports to TANF recipients.

Please consider taking a few minutes to complete the survey.  DCFPI and our partners at organizations across the city have been working hard to ensure that the District’s TANF program is more responsive to low-income families’ needs.  Providing your feedback will help to ensure that more DC TANF recipients can access the education, job training, and supportive services they need to support themselves and their families.