
DC Early Childhood Funding and Services: A Visual Resource Map

The District has more than 30 programs across six city agencies that deliver early childhood education and development services for young children and their families. So to help DC families better understand what public resources are available to them, DCFPI released a resource map that offers a guide to our city’s public investments in programs serving children from birth to age five. The map offers a snapshot of the District’s early childhood education and development programs, highlighting what services are offered, the target population for each program, and how much is spent.   

The map looks at the resources spent in fiscal year 2011, which began October 2010 and ended September 2011. Readers can quickly find programs by budget cluster or DC agency, and then scan down the program columns for at-a-glance funding and service information. Narrative descriptions are also included for more detail on individual programs. The map can be used to identify gaps or duplication in key services or ways to improve coordination across city agencies. 

DCFPI hopes the map will be helpful to parents, educators and policymakers so the District can effectively coordinate services for our youngest residents. It is now widely recognized that supports for young children are critical to their success in school and life. The early years lay an important foundation, and the programs and services offered by the District help parents support the well-being and healthy development of their children. 

Please let us know of any thoughts or comments on the map. Feel free to contact Soumya Bhat at

To view the full report, click here.

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