A Bold Agenda for an Antiracist DC

Purple Banner graphic that reads "A Bold Agenda for an Antiracist DC"

Over the next several years, the DC Fiscal Policy Institute (DCFPI) will leverage its deep policy and analytic strengths in partnership with community-rooted groups to pursue our bold multi-year agenda to achieve an antiracist and equitable DC. Our ambitious goals include, but are not limited to:

Charting an anti-displacement agenda and ramping up housing investments needed to stabilize families and end chronic homelessness in DC.

Establishing a job guarantee that addresses disproportionate unemployment for young Black workers in DC.

Creating and expanding policies that guarantee income for individuals and families most sidelined by racism and economic exclusion.

Creating a fully equitable tax code that raises revenue based upon the ability to pay and redistributes resources to impacted communities.

Reforming DC’s system of criminal legal fees and fines that disproportionately extract resources from Black and brown residents with low incomes.

Building a reparative cannabis industry that offers affected residents and returning citizens full access to entry as employees and owners.

Investing in Black wealth by improving and expanding the first-of-its-kind in the nation “baby bonds” program and Black homeownership and reducing Black debt.

Strengthening neighborhood schools by ensuring equitable funding that fully resources and stabilizes schools in Wards 5, 7, and 8.

Policy as a Tool for Change

DCFPI leverages the power of progressive policy to support the economic liberation of Black and brown people in the District.

By becoming more responsive to the experiences of residents facing racial and economic oppression, DCFPI’s new strategic direction strengthens our critical role as a trusted source of research, analysis, and policy development to advance necessary change. We aim to root out anti-Blackness, promote economic mobility, and repair racist harms that set the conditions for consistently poorer economic and health outcomes for Black and brown communities.

Learn more about our mission and vision here.

Make a contribution here to underwrite our multi-year liberatory policy agenda.