DCFPI Releases FY 2011 Budget Toolkit

Mayor Fenty released his Fiscal Year 2011 budget proposal earlier this month’and now the DC Fiscal Policy Institute helps you interpret the documents with the release of our FY 2011 Budget Toolkit!

Want to understand how Mayor Fenty proposes to close the $500 million budget gap?  Curious where the major cuts are in each agency? Interested in how the city’s safety net is impacted, and whether there are cuts to programs such as child care or affordable housing?

Find answers to those questions in the DCFPI FY 2011 budget toolkit.

Our budget toolkit is a handy guide to the proposed FY 2011 budget: what has been cut, what has been enhanced, and how you can be involved in the budget process.  The toolkit includes analyses of key budget and tax issues from DCFPI and links to important budget-related documents, including the schedule of DC Council budget hearings.  A spreadsheet showing year-to-year funding changes for DC agencies will be added soon.

We’ll continue to update our analyses as we move through the budget process.

Feel free to contact us via phone or email if you have questions. Good luck and we appreciate your interest in the District’s finances!