DC Recognized as National Leader in Health Care Reform

Congratulations to DC! The District received almost $73 million from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, due to the progress we have made in implementing the Affordable Care Act. Specifically, the money was given for our work in creating DC’s health insurance exchange, the regulated market in which individuals and small businesses will shop for insurance beginning in 2014. 

The award establishes DC as a national leader in health care reform. Only six other states received this money, known as a “Level 2″ grant. The funding will help DC hire staff and consultants for the exchange’s first year and assist in the development of a sophisticated IT system — an online portal that will coordinate eligibility and enrollment functions in the exchange with other health and human service programs.  

Very big congratulations to the District and all involved in the exchange’s design and implementation! 

 To see a state-by-state comparison of exchange funding, click here.