Big Decisions Don’t End Tomorrow!

Primary Day is tomorrow, and we at the DC Fiscal Policy Institute urge all our readers to head out to the polls, if they haven’t already, to participate in this important local election. For newcomers to our blog and our city, there is same-day registration! Polls are open from 7 am to 8 pm.

Tomorrow will be a big decision day, and we hope you’ll remain engaged as we face important decisions as a community down the road. One issue in which our elected officials need to hear more from you is how to manage our budget in these challenging economic times. It is likely that the city will have budget pressures for Fiscal Year 2011 that need to be resolved quickly.

We at DCFPI believe strongly in keeping a focus on “balance” in balancing the budget.

What is a balanced approach? It’s a comprehensive, inclusive examination of our community needs and charting a course to make sure they are met in a way that will lead to future growth and prosperity. It means we need to be realistic about where we can trim but also where we can add resources. We do not have to take a cuts-only approach. This extreme position, posited in the Washington Business Journal article by DC Councilmember Jack Evans (D-Ward 2), would make it hard to maintain key investments that will help us move toward a better future.

DCFPI, along with a coalition of groups, advocated last spring for our leaders to look at ways to add revenue. One proposal was to ask those who have weathered this recession well to contribute a bit more through an increase in the income tax for high earners. We urge our elected officials’both those who are currently in office now and those who will be or remain in office after the elections’to keep all options on the table as we work together to move our city forward.

See you at the polls!