The District spends about $1.8 billion in local funds on education and related services for children in Pre-K through high school. This analysis covers approved funding in fiscal year (FY) 2014 for:  DC Public Schools, Public Charter Schools, the Office of the State Superintendent of Education, the Office of Public Facilities Modernization, Non-Public Tuition and Special Education Transportation. The DC Council approved the Budget Request Act on May 22nd, and took a first vote on the Budget Support Act’the legislation necessary to implement the Budget Request Act.  The second vote on the Budget Support Act will take place on June 18th.  

The FY 2014 budget included a 2 percent increase in local per pupil funding for DC Public Schools (DCPS) and Public Charter Schools. However, due to student enrollment changes projected for next year, the DCPS system will see a decline in local funds, while public charter schools will see an increase. 

The approved budget included an increase in funding and services for infants and toddlers with developmental delays. The change would allow the District to serve more children and to provide services to children with less severe delays. 

Funding for subsidized child care ‘ which provides developmentally appropriate settings for children with parents who are working or in training ‘ will be reduced in FY 2014.